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Technical service and consulting:
Dr. H. Michael Schiller has more than 25 years of experience in the international PVC industry in R&D and management functions. He finished his Master and PhD in photochemistry. Later on he studied patent law at Humboldt University Berlin/Germany and sustainability at Blekkinge Technical University/Sweden. His functional experience includes: development of new PVC stabilisers, lubricants, plasticisers, impact modifiers, processing aid, acid scavengers, organic costabilisers and onepack solutions, understanding of stabiliser mechanism, understanding PVC processing, research in unusual phenomenon (plate out, photo effects, chattering/juddering etc.), trouble-shooting, understanding sustainability aspects of PVC industry and technical product management. Michael is author a book “PVC-Stabilisatoren” (in German), “PVC Additives” (in English), author and co-author of more than 160 papers, one of the editors of “Plastic Additive Handbook” in English, Russian and German, and inventor of many patents. He is happily married, proud father of two pretty and bright daughters and he likes the music of Queen.
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